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Tanning Lotions When, How and Why to Use one and Which one to Choose?

Tanning Lotions When, How and Why to Use one and Which one to Choose?

Posted by Andrea Taylor on 29th Jul 2020

Watch our U tube Video - on tanning lotions. It's only 10 minutes and goes through this topic in detail.  Go to tanning lotions - All tanning lotions.

Step 1 – A dry skin reflects light and a hydrated skin absorbs light.

The Skin tans faster, tans last longer and you need less time under a tanning bed when you use a lotion. Why? Because a tanning lotion is designed to hydrate your skin and feed your skin the essential nutrients for it to tan. Ingredients such as hemp seed oil, avocado, shea butter, silicon etc all add a heap of hydration. A dry skin reflects light and a hydrated skin absorbs light so you tan faster and darker 

Step 2 Ingredients that build a Tan 

The more active ingredients a lotions has the faster and darker you will tan and usually the higher the cost of the product.

Tyrosine: An amino-acid derivative, added to tanning lotions to produce melanin.

Beta Carotene or Retinyl Palmitate: Vitamin A that supports pigment coloration of the skin.

Vitamin E or Tocopheryl: This ingredient renews and softens the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Unipertan: A combination of Tyrosine, Collagen and Vitamin B-2, added to tanning lotions to boost melanin production and boost natural skin bronzers

Copper: Needs to build a tan.

Step 3. Accelerators, Bronzers, Heat and Tingle.

  • 1.Beginning to Tan

Accelerators are level one tanning products for people just beginning the indoor tanning process. These lotions are designed to help people achieve a base tan and usually contain a large amount of moisturizers because moisturized skin tans much better, faster and has the ability to hold tan longer.

We suggest you start with an accelerator only. Something like

Then as your base tan increases you will find it plateau – then you have 2 options. Some people love a bronzer, some don’t. Some people love a heat product, some don’t.

You can move to a bronzer or a heat product.

Bronzer Types 

Bronzers will either instantly stain your skin or will develop up over 24 hours to give you an immediate illusion of a bronzed skin while you develop your tan.

Natural – which is a light cosmetic bronzer such as carmel, walnet etc- lightly stains the skin


Natural streak-free bronzers including Black Walnut and Kukui Nut 

Cosmetic – heavy cosmetic bronzers such as Quad bronzers, 200X etc - stains the skin


Product Action: Tan Enhancer, Bronzer

DHA – clear will develop up over 24 hours to give you a immediate illusion of a bronzed skin while you develop your tan. Need to be carefully apply evenly as this is the active ingredient in fake tan.

White DHA Bronzers


These lotions are just that, they are available in heated lotions so that they feel warm on the skin and act to speed up the repair process of skin causing it to tan faster. The ingredients cause a vasodilation reaction and blood flow increases bringing it more nutrient s to tan faster. Heat products can leave your skin flushed for up to 4 hours after a tanning session.


Heated Natural Bronzer

Step 3 Tingle – Hard Core for the tanner that has build up Colour and has plateaued for the second time.

Benzyl Nicotinate is the active ingredient in a tingle lotion. The reaction is similar to a heat but way more intense. As the skin gets darker it also increases in thickness therefore a plateau can be reached by tanners. A tingle will penetrate the skin deeper and stimulate the vasodilation reaction. The reaction may last from 4 hours – 8 hours.

Tingle can be very uncomfortable if you have not used one before or if you have not developed up your tan dark enough before you use one.

These lotions should not be used on sensitive skin or beginner tanners as some people are just simply not able to tolerate it.


Insane levels of DHA, Natural & Cosmetic Bronzers - HOT Action Tingle


Accelerator only- Beginner or Level 1

Bronzer Type : Natural, Dart or DHA ( if the product has all three it will be listed) Level 2

Heat - Level 3

Tingle- Level 4 
